piston_window 0.7.0

The official Piston window back-end for the Piston game engine
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The official Piston convenience window wrapper for the Piston game engine

Piston-Window is designed for only one purpose: Convenience.


We have now released 0.2!

  • Reexports everything you need to write 2D interactive applications
  • .draw_2d for drawing 2D, and .draw_3d for drawing 3D
  • Uses Gfx to work with 3D libraries in the Piston ecosystem
  • A smart design to pass around the window and application state
extern crate piston_window;
use piston_window::*;
fn main() {
    let window: PistonWindow = WindowSettings::new("Hello Piston!", [640, 480])
    for e in window {
        e.draw_2d(|_c, g| {
            clear([0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0], g);

If you want another convenience method, create a trait for it, and then implement it for PistonWindow.

PistonWindow uses Glutin as window back-end by default, but you can change to another back-end, for example SDL2 or GLFW by changing the type parameter:

let window: PistonWindow<Sdl2Window> = WindowSettings::new("Hello Piston!", [640, 480])

Games often follow a finite state machine logic. A common way to solve this is using an enum and a loop for the different states. This can be quite buggy, since you need to resolve the state for each event.

Instead, you could pass around one PistonWindow to different functions that represents the states. This way you do not have to resolve the state, because it is part of the context.

PistonWindow implements AdvancedWindow, Iterator, Window and GenericEvent. The iterator emits new objects of same type that wraps the event from the game loop. You can swap the application state with .app method. Nested game loops are supported, so you can have one inside another.

for e in window {
    if let Some(button) = e.press_args() {
        let intro = e.app(start_intro());
        for e in intro {

Ideas or feedback? Open up an issue here.

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